'lie to me' is the best show still in search of an audience. it is smart. it is witty. it is adult. well there are three good reasons why america may not be watching it. america: D+: 'lie to me': A+

'drop dead diva' is the best non emmy nominated comedy on the air. jane elliot the best non emmy nominated actress in a comedy on the air. Emmy committee: D: 'drop dead diva': A

'the closer' gets better season after season. so does kyra. so does the rest of the cast. it's good to see mary mcdonnell back as the thorn in kyra's side. they are great together. 'the closer': A

'army wives' is a perfect summer series. it has a heart and a hell of a lot of soul. it has one of the most pleasant and appealing casts on tv today. it just has the right flavors of color and real. 'army wives' A+

'true blood' is back. i don't just mean back for the season. it is back from the dead. pun intended. after last season's fiasco with all that maryann crap, that seemed more deadly awful than being undead, it is thankfully back with a vengeance. 'true blood': A

*to be continued tomorrow