The #1 spot goes to 'Rachel Getting Married' and most everything else where Anne Hathaway's name appeared above the title*

and the other 9 in no particular order are:
All the King's Men-Kate and Sean's HUGE mistake.
Australia-could possibly sink the entire continent.
Gladiator-it's the 21st century for god's sake.
No Country for Old Men-no film for sane men and women young or old.
Passion of the Christ- mel gibson's bloody violent and anti-semetic rant. oy vay!
Sideways-sideways, upside down or right side up a mess,a bore about male menopause
The Departed-retreading scorcese and big bad boston irish cops yet again.yawn!
The Edge of Love-Keira's mistake
The Ugly Truth-the truth is in the title: uglyuglyugly

Worst performance by actor, actress, canine, feline or what have you goes to you guessed it:

*(the exception being 'The Devil Wears Prada' because Meryl Streep and Emily Blunt dwarfed her at best mediocre performance)
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