please please watch matthew morrison...watch the dance yes but not just his feet...watch his arms and hands as all become part of the choreography. watch how he handles his outfit as it becomes part of the dance and a major prop. every gesture is insanely brilliant. and oh hell he has the voice to go with it. he is the consummate performer of 2010. bravo matthew!
sorry but lea not so much...better luck next time and do not ever ever follow matthew again ever ever ever. it's kind of like a dog act following streisand at the hollywood bowl. and stop the streisand. you need your own identity. call the wonderful but mishandled julie budd. she knows all too well that what you are doing is so so wrong. it may have been clever and cute in your bedroom. in real life and real time it is going to be your own personal titanic. your rendition of the same 'don't rain on my parade' on 'glee' ran circles around this misguided interpretation or should i say barbra imitation? and stop stop crossing your eyes. with barbra it was normal but for you it just appears as shallow imitation/mockery if not downright cruel. lea you are talented in your own right so stop stealing barbra's already. alright?

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