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Jumat, 27 Agustus 2010
Stewart Eviscerates Glenn Beck's Civil Rights Rally: 'I Have A Scheme'
Kamis, 26 Agustus 2010
But Chris on 'Hardball' Had It Wrong
these log cabin republicans are so full of crap.
and chris i can't believe you are falling for their crap!
i said it before and i'll say it again a gay republican is akin to a jew voting for hitler in 1939.
'The Day After That' from 'Kiss of the Spider Woman'
'kiss of the spider woman' opened in 1993 on broadway. the cast starred brent carver as molina, anthony crivello as valentin and chita rivera as spider woman/aurora (see sidebar) all of whom won tony awards.
the show itself won best musical, book and music and lyrics.
not long after liza minnelli recorded the 'day after that' which she premiered live at the un on world's aids day. it became an anthem in the fight against aids.
i've chosen to post two of liza's versions here.
however the best version of all was the original by anthony crivello who won a most deserved tony award for his role as molina. this is the best i could do. it's not about the pictures or the video. it's all about the music, the lyrics and anthony's amazing voice.
Listen to This A-HOLE on the '9/11 Burning the Koran' Day
this moron appeared on 'hardball' tonight. chris why the hell are you giving these idiots a forum? need to tell you are NOT going to change these fanatics!
i'm telling you...the idiots are taking over the asylum.
i'm telling you...the idiots are taking over the asylum.
What a Disgrace: What a Frackin' Hypocrite*
ken mehlman the former republican national committee chairman during gw's administration and was the architect of much of the anti-gay rhetoric and policies during that time has come out of the closet.
well congratulations you moron. you think this is too little too late? well damn it i do! go back to your bush cronies. we have no use for you now. when you could have done something you chose to do nothing. you should have stayed in your closet. i have no pity for your 'journey'. typical republican closet case who's motto seems to be 'first do harm'.
*for one of the few times i can remember i totaly disagree with chris mathews on this subject.
Rabu, 25 Agustus 2010
Spring Music Fest: Audra McDonald
audra mcdonald: actress and singer. multiple tony award winner. brilliant.
What's On My Mind Today? Charlie Crist
i never blogged about the florida primaries because i was just waiting. i choose not to vote for any of the democrat party nominees even though it is my party affiliation. when charlie crist decided to run as an independent i kind of knew where my senate vote was going in november. he has been a good governor and generally at odds with his republican party. that scored him a lot of points with me.
now if he'd only come out of the closet. charlie...we all know!
now if he'd only come out of the closet. charlie...we all know!
"What if..."
abc and soapnet had characters from different daytime dramas bumping into each other this summer. i admit that i've been a closeted 'general hospital' and 'one life to live' watcher for the past gazillion years. time to come out of the closet.
first up 'behind the scenes'
'What If'' Maxie Jones Met Rex Balsom
maxie jones (general hospital) meets rex balsom (one life to live).
Senin, 23 Agustus 2010
As Suspected

a week or so back it was speculated that sandra and director stephen daldry may work together. the speculation seems to becoming more of a fact with tom hanks jumping on board.
sandra 'blindsided' most critics and bloggers when she was nominated for best actress this past film year. some had to eat their pig-skin when she won. now she is teaming up with daldry who directed nicole kidman to her oscar ('the hours) and then directed kate winslet to her's ('the reader'). so to the nay- sayers i out. number two isn't too far-fetched.
A few weeks ago, Sandra Bullock was seen leaving a meeting with Stephen Daldry with what looked like a script in her hands. Today it’s fairly certain that script was Eric Roth’s adaptation of Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close. Varietysays Bullock and Tom Hanks may be the director’s first choice to play the adult leads alongside a precocious kid facing a world of tragedy and post-traumatic stress just after the World Trade Center attack.
'Warner Bros. and Paramount are eyeing Sandra Bullock and Tom Hanks for the feature version of post- 9/11 drama “Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close” with Scott Rudin producing.Warners, the lead studio on the project, indicated it has made offers to the thesps but is not yet in formal negotiations. And the studios have not yet greenlit the project. The Jonathan Safran Foer novel, set in 2003, centers on a 9-year-old boy who finds a key in a vase that belongs to his father — who perished in the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks — and searches to find the lock that goes with it. It was one of the first American novels to incorporate the Sept. 11 events into the plot.'
Betty and Neil Patrick Score Early Emmys
Sabtu, 21 Agustus 2010
'To Know Him Is to Love Him (Her)'
following up on spotlighting linda ronstadt yesterday leads me to this trio by linda, dolly parton and emmylou harris.
the song is one of my all time favorites.
the original was recorded by a 50's group called the ponitails
the beetles saw fit to record it with a few updated lyrics as 'to know her is to love her' listen carefully.
my favorite version is john lennon's solo version
all together this only proves that good music can transcend time, place and musical genre.
What's On My Mind Today
Barack vs Moslem Haters
this obama being a moslem has to stop. this is racism through and through. who are these nutjobs who think this? well i know we know who they are! after listening to this crap on cnn the other night i have to wonder why barack or anyone else would want to be a christian. this is franklin graham a so called 'christian'.
this obama being a moslem has to stop. this is racism through and through. who are these nutjobs who think this? well i know we know who they are! after listening to this crap on cnn the other night i have to wonder why barack or anyone else would want to be a christian. this is franklin graham a so called 'christian'.
and what if he were of the moslem faith. is their anything in the constitution of the united stated that says moslems can't be president. it seems that many christians believe freedom of religion is only for them. i was raised christian. they tried to turn me into a papist. no fracking way. i was out of there. i converted to judaism which was the faith of jesus. o yes it was! he was born a jew and died a jew. he had no idea that within three hundred years a bunch of 'jesus cults' would get together and form these arrogant religions one born out of the other out of more arrogance and enter the concept of religious greed.
for the record the jewish faith, the moslem faith and the christian faith are all the founded on the faith of abraham. start reading folks. educate yourselves. don't be led blindly by bigoted morons. and faith is far different from religion. faiths are equal while it is religions that cause the fights and the factions and the fractions of the crazies.
but i believe i am preaching to the choir. those who swallow this nonsense that permeates around the world, particularly in america, have probably given up on my blog already or are about to now. goodbye and good riddance.
once again here's and listen and learn.
Jumat, 20 Agustus 2010
Encore: Linda Ronstadt
with yesterday's posting of 'different drum' i got into a linda mood.
these are some of my favorite ronstadt's that came during her 'golden' years. it's always great to revisit my musical past favorites.
early linda
Idiot of the Week and What Is Going on in My Mind Today?
Well Here Is the Winner Once Again
this moron is like an std you can't get rid of

"dr.laura:don't retreat ... reload!"
Sarah Palin’s post-VP nominee career has so far benefitted from bomb-throwing. The process follows a tight script—a crude, semi-calculated comment is shot into the middle of a political debate via Facebook or Twitter. It gains national attention. Liberals are outraged. Conservatives rush to her defense. Sarah Palin dominates a news cycle and becomes more beloved by her base.
But by unnecessarily rushing to the defense of Dr. Laura Schlessinger—after she dropped the N-bomb 11 times and told the caller “don’t marry outside of your race”—Sarah Palin might finally have gone too far and picked a fight she cannot win.
Palin is “trying to shock us each day with more and more outlandish commentary,” said one black conservative. “And at that moment that person is no longer fit to lead.”*two racist bitches really*** note well that this was said by a black conservative not liberal or independent **note well that this was said by me
Stone Poneys' Kenny Edwards Dead at 64
i love this song. it was the introduction of linda ronstadt to the music scene. the stone poney's disbanded after this release which was a major hit for them. ronstadt went on to an amazing solo career.
'different drum' feat linda ronstadt:
Kamis, 19 Agustus 2010
"Propostion 8: Equality for Some" ***stars on DVD
i just caught up with this documentary on the prop 8 amendment in california that makes gay men and women unequal under the law according to the state constitution. it is more a worthy indictment of the mormon religion, with a subtext of the catholic religion, than a call for gay rights. albeit they certainly intermingle here. and it is an indictment that is justified. i know less about the church of latter day saints* than any other religion. they want it that way. they are a secretive group. a cult really which all kidding aside has secret and seemingly magic underwear. it has at it's center the tenant that all it's members practice obedience. obedience to the elders and to god. mostly to the elders first and their illusion (delusion) of god second. religion is a strange thing. you either believe or you don't. you tithe or you don't (i sure as hell would not). you will be blackmailed into making contributions to a cause that the elders adhere to or you will be banished. take banishment!
this film makes makes a good argument that this church in particular should not be tax exempt. i think no church should be tax exempt as they are able to hide their political financial wheeling and dealing with a clock of protection around them. the power that the roman church had in the 50- early 60's is now held by latter day saints. the papists are crumbling under the weight of scandals and hocus pocus. we can only wait for the same for the lds. mitt romney for president? magic underwear indeed!
i recommend this for the information unearthed about lds. if documentaries are not your thing catch up with hbo's 'big love' a more dramatic and fulfilling look at the absurdity and abominations emanating from utah.
we are in the age of aquarius now. pisces is over. thus the symbol of the fish is replaced. i.e. christianity as we know it is on the way out. wake up ye papists.
we are in the age of aquarius now. pisces is over. thus the symbol of the fish is replaced. i.e. christianity as we know it is on the way out. wake up ye papists.
*i don't consider scientology a religion. i see it more as a scify movie in real time. it's a cult like all the others but with no redeeming value. at least the vatican has art on it's side. pillaged art but they have it none the less.
What's On My Mind Today: Richard Engel MSNBC War Correspondent
embed reporter richard engel spent the last 5 years covering the war in iraq. he was honored last night as the only reporter on the scene as combat troops withdrew. he risked all for this work. it has been his life all these years thus sacrificing all other aspects of his life. he is an unsung civilian hero of this war. he dared tell the truth when the former administration tried to feed us lie upon lie.
thank you richard for your sacrifices and being a truth-sayer.
Rabu, 18 Agustus 2010
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