'covert affairs' a cia dramedy is a keeper. piper perabo as new agent annie walker is a charmer. she makes you believe that covert ops may actually be a good thing. christopher gorham and the always wonderful kari matchett costar in this delightful summer romp. 'cover affairs': A

'the glades' is a&e's new police procedural that places an out of place chicago cop in a small town florida town. jim longworth keeps it all moving along nicely with his charm and charisma. but he better watch his step as the delightful kiele sanchez may just steal it all out from under him. it needs a bit of work but is worth a look. 'the glades': B

'rizzoli and isles' brings angie harmon back to all things law and order as a boston cop who has a bff in medical examiner sasha alexander. if this all sounds familiar it should as it is almost a carbon copy of 2008's 'women's murder club'. this is not a complaint though. abc never gave that one the chance it deserved. tnt has already renewed this for next summer so more power to them. and even though ms. harmon is a republican i am giving 'rizzoli and isles' a B+

'i have already blogged on 'pretty little liars' and called it my summer guilty pleasure. it remains that as it only gets better week after lying week. it is wicked fun at it's best: A
'hot in cleveland' is a tv rarity for me. a situation comedy i can actually sit through. this has not happened since 'mary', 'raymond', 'seinfeld' 'friends' and some golden ladies left the air years ago. it's the talented cast and the double entendres that keep me coming back. it's not a classic comedy but it fulfills it's goal to make us laugh. 'hot' gets a warm B.

'the gates' appears to be a summer fill in on abc. they should renew it. it's better than half it's winter shows at the very least. i give it a B+ and abc a D- when they cancel it!

all in all not a bad summer. the majority of those that already wrapped along with these are on cable networks where shows are given a chance to thrive. maybe oneday the small minded big 3 will follow suit.
as i said "all in all not a bad summer". but there was bad...and really bad and here they are:

'happy town' may have had potential but abc yet again took it's ax and chopped it off too soon for me to be really fair to it. all i can say is that it's eccentric ways did not immediately hook me in. but out of fairness i'm giving it a half hearted C-.
'persons unknown' is a repetitive bore week after week. i gave up awhile ago. i saw no hope for it nor did i feel like wasting anymore time on it. it gets a D because the big F is saved for the worst of the lot.
'scoundrels' is the one abc needed to take an ax to first. what an idiotic mess about a bunch of idiots. you'd be better off sticking an ice pick in your eye than watching one second of this frackin' piece of crap. an F is not good enough for this show but it's all i have.
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