Sabtu, 21 Agustus 2010

What's On My Mind Today

Barack vs Moslem Haters

this obama being a moslem has to stop. this is racism through and through. who are these nutjobs who think this? well i know we know who they are!  after listening to this crap on cnn the other night i have to wonder why barack or anyone else would want to be a christian. this is franklin graham a so called 'christian'.

and what if he were of the moslem faith. is their anything in the constitution of the united stated that says moslems can't be president. it seems that many christians believe freedom of religion is only for them. i was raised christian. they tried to turn me into a papist. no fracking way. i was out of there. i converted to judaism which was the faith of jesus. o yes it was! he was born a jew and died a jew. he had no idea that within three hundred years a bunch of 'jesus cults' would get together and form these arrogant religions one born out of the other out of more arrogance and enter the concept of religious greed. 

for the record the jewish faith, the moslem faith and the christian faith are all the founded on the faith of abraham. start reading folks. educate yourselves. don't be led blindly by bigoted morons. and faith is far different from religion. faiths are equal while it is religions that cause the fights and the factions and the fractions of the crazies. 
but i believe i am preaching to the choir. those who swallow this nonsense that permeates around the world, particularly in america,  have probably given up on my blog already or are about to now. goodbye and good riddance.

once again here's and listen and learn.

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